
Section 1, Name.

a)   The name of this organization shall be:
Society of Canadian Limnologists (in English)
Société Canadienne Limnologie (in French)

b)   The official initials of this organization shall be (in both languages) SCL.

Section 2, Affiliation.

a)   SCL shall function as the Canadian wing of the International Limnological Association (SIL) and shall be subject to the rules and regulations governing that organization as well as any additional by-laws specifically governing SCL.

Section 3, Changes to By-laws.

a)   Any of the by-laws of this organization can be deleted or amended, and new by-laws added, by secret ballot of the membership.  For any change to be approved, 2/3 of members returning unspoiled ballots to the secretary-treasurer must have voted yes.

b)   Any member in good standing may propose deletions, amendments, or additions to the by-laws, provided such proposals do not bring SCL into conflict with its affiliated organization, SIL.  Such proposals are to be made in person at the annual general-meeting, or in writing to the secretary-treasurer at least two weeks before the annual general meeting.

c)   Before a proposed deletion, amendment, or addition to the by-laws can be circulated to the full membership for approval or rejection, it must be approved for circulation by majority vote of those members in good standing in attendance at the annual general meeting, and the secretary-treasurer of SCL must determine that the proposal does not bring SCL into conflict with SIL.

Section 4, Membership.

a)   Prospective members may join SCL by sending the prescribed annual fee to the secretary-treasurer.  Members of SCL automatically become members of SIL (with the exception of SCL student members as outlined below).

b)   SCL has the same categories of membership as SIL but with the addition of a special category of SCL student member.  SCL student members are entitled to participate in all SCL activities, but are not members of SIL.  SCL student members will receive all materials mailed out by the Secretary-Treasurer, SCL, but not those mailed out by the General Secretary, SIL.

c)   A student is defined as any person in full-time attendance at an accredited Canadian University or College.

d)   Membership fees include the regular membership fee in SIL plus an additional fee as established in the standing rules to cover costs of administering the Canadian organization.  SCL student members pay only the fee to cover costs of administering the Canadian organization.

e)   A member in good standing is one whose membership fee has been paid for the calendar year.  This applies to both regular members and student members.

f)    The additional fee charged to cover costs of administering the Canadian organization may be amended from time to time as determined by the SCL executive.

Section 5, Officers.

a)   There shall be four elected officers of SCL:  President, Anglophone Vice-President, Francophone Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer.  All officers shall be elected for a period of three (3) years.  The election of the President and the two vice-presidents shall be concurrent and shall lag by one year the election of the Secretary-Treasurer.

b)   SCL executive officers shall function as the Canadian national representatives at SIL congresses.  The order for precedence for serving as Canadian national representatives shall be Secretary-Treasurer, President, and Vice-Presidents.  If only three SIL representatives are permitted under SIL by-laws, the choice of Vice-President as Canadian national representative will be made by a toss of coin.  Should it be impossible for some of the executive officers to fulfil the duties of SIL national representative, an extraordinary election of alternate representatives shall be held to provide for full Canadian national representation. Any alternate representatives shall function as an ex-officio member of the SCL executive.

c)   The two incumbent vice-presidents of SCL shall, at the time of election for the presidency, be automatic nominees to become president of SCL.  In addition, nominees from the floor shall be permitted at the annual general meeting during which the election is announced.  Voting for the president shall be by secret ballot of all members.

d)   Nominees for the positions of vice-president shall be solicited from the full membership by the secretary-treasurer at least three months prior to the annual general meeting at which the election is announced.  Additional nominations shall be permitted from the floor at the time of the annual general meeting.  Nominators must testify to the fact that their nominee is fully fluent in the language of the vice-presidency for which he/she is nominated.  Election of vice-presidents shall be by secret ballot of all members.

Section 6, Duties of Officers.

a)   President:  Chairs all SCL official meetings, acts as senior official representative of SCL at all SIL functions, and represents SCL national and internationally.  Serves as a Canadian national representative of SIL.

b)   Vice-Presidents:  Are jointly responsible for organization and logistics associated with the SCL annual general meeting and any scientific meeting hosted by SCL.  Jointly are responsible for selecting recipients of SCL Clemens travel awards and for obtaining nominations and selecting Rigler lecturer.  Jointly are responsible for all matters relating to the election of the secretary-treasurer.  Represent SCL nationally and internationally on behalf of the President at his or her request.  Serve as Canadian national representatives of SIL.

c)   Secretary-Treasurer:  Receives and administers membership fees.  Maintains liaison with SIL.  Receives and distributes materials relating to membership and meetings between membership and other executives.  Reports on status of membership and finances at annual business meeting.  Records and distributes minutes of annual business meeting.  Is in charge of all matters relating to election of president and vice-presidents, including creation of a nominating committee, and relating to balloting for changes to By-laws.  Represents SCL nationally and internationally on behalf of the president at his or her request.  Acts as SIL national representative.

Section 7, Annual Meeting.

a)   The SCL meet at least once annually.  This meeting shall consist of both scientific and business sessions.  Abstracts of the scientific session and minutes of the business meeting shall be mailed to all members in good standing.

Section 8, Language.

a)   Calls for papers, by-laws, and other official documents of SCL shall be in both English and French.

b)   Newsletters and material submitted by members for dissemination to other members (e.g., abstracts of papers to be presented at the annual meeting) may be in either language.

c)   Papers may be presented at the annual meeting in either official language.

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