Current recipient
About the award
Instructions to nominators
Past winners
2015 Recipient/Récipiendaire de l'année 2015
Sophie Chiasson-Gould
University of Ottawa
For the paper:
Chiasson-Gould, S., Blais, J.M. and Poulain, A.J. 2014. Dissolved Organic Matter Kinetically Controls Mercury Bioavailability to Bacteria. Environmental Science and Technology 48: 3153-3161.
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Robert Henry Peters (1946-1996)
McGill University (1974-1996)
His life & career:
Kalff, J. 1996. Obituary for Robert Henry Peters. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:1692-1694.
click to download PDF
Pace, M.L. and P. delGiorgio. 1996. In Memoriam Dr. Robert H. Peters. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 142:1.
click to download PDF
delGiorgio, P., Y. Prairie and M.L. Pace. 1997. Robert H. Peters honored with ASLO’s citation for scientific excellence. ASLO Bulletin 6(1):23-25. (Copyright 1997 by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.)
click to download PDF
Downing, J.A. 1997. In Memorium: Robert Henry Peters (1946-1996). ASLO Bulletin 6(1):25-27. (Copyright 1997 by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.)
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This award recognizes the best aquatic sciences paper published in the preceding year by a Canadian student or a student working in Canada. The student must be an undergraduate or graduate student, and must be first author on the publication.
A paper can be considered for the Peters’ Award if it is published within the time period of one year prior to the deadline for nominations. A paper is considered “published” once it is posted on-line by the journal or appears in hardcopy, whichever occurs first. A single body of work may only be considered for nomination once.
The nomination consists of a submission of the paper, typically from the student’s supervisor. Nominations may be accompanied by a cover letter (not to exceed one page, single-spaced, 12-pt Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins) outlining the quality, importance and impact of the paper.
The value of the award is $500 and a complimentary one-year membership in the Society, to be presented at the annual meeting of SCL/CCFFR where the student must present a summary of their paper.
Timelines: A call for nominations will typically be made in early September, and successful candidates will be informed by early October prior to abstract submission deadlines for the upcoming SCL/CCFFR meeting, where the recipient will attend and present their work.
Past winners
2014 - Dominic Vachon
2013 - Zofia Taranu
2012 - Jennifer Korosi
2011 - Adam Jeziorski
2010 - Henry F. Wilson
2009 - Jason Venkiteswaran
2008 - Mark Graham
2007 - Greg Silsbe