The role of the SCL:

To offer a forum to discuss, promote, and support
limnologists and their research in Canada.

Official website for the Society of Canadian Limnologists.


Water is essential to all life, and humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve our water resources. Limnology, the study of inland waters, stems from this basic responsibility to maintain water quality for all forms of life that depend on it, and assess its resilience to the pressures we are constantly placing on it. Although freshwater represents only a few percent of all the water on Earth, it represents all the water we drink and all the water suitable for irrigation and growing food on land, not to mention every terrestrial and freshwater species in the world that rely on it for their survival. Canada’s freshwaters are facing multiple threats, including chemical releases from industrial, urban and residential sources, climate change, invasive species, pathogens, algal toxins, and many more. Limnology is a science at the forefront of finding solutions to some of the greatest environmental threats facing Canada and the world. So go ahead, hug a limnologist.

Limnology is the study of inland waters - lakes (both freshwater and saline), reservoirs, rivers, streams, wetlands, and groundwater - as ecological systems interacting with their drainage basins and the atmosphere. The limnological discipline integrates the functional relationships of growth, adaptation, nutrient cycles, and biological productivity with species composition, and describes and evaluates how physical, chemical, and biological environments regulate these relationships.

The word limnology is derived from the Greek limne - marsh, pond and Latin limnaea - thing pertaining to a marsh. Stated simply, limnology is the study of the structural and functional interrelationships of organisms of inland waters as their dynamic physical, chemical, and biotic environments affect them.

Learn more about the SCL

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Membership Includes These Services

Membership Profile/Community

By registering, members join a growing and active membership of limnologists across Canada.

Newsletter Subscription

Members also will receive periodical newsletters, as well as access to all previously released editions and archives.


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Conference Organization & Participation

Each year we co-organize conferences for our membership, providing opportunities for collaboration and communicating your research.

Annual Awards & Recognition

Each year, we take nominations for awards to recognize the achievements of Canadian Limnologists and their achievements.

Outreach & Advocacy

Our members are frequently recognized in the media, and are invited to provide their insights to our blog.

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Wetzel Memorial Fund: SIL Congress Travel Award for students and early-career professionals

The Wetzel Memorial Fund was created in 2004 through a request from Robert G. Wetzel. Following one of Robert Wetzel’s highest priorities, this fund will be used to pay SIL-related expenses of young limnologists throughout the world that might otherwise be unable to participate in SIL activities. In particular, the Wetzel Memorial Fund will be used for travel support of those SIL members who are presenting a paper (orally or by poster) at SIL congress meetings.

Awards from the Wetzel Memorial Fund will range USD 100 - 1000 per individual, depending on the number of successful applicants and the distance to be travelled to the meeting.

The Application form is available at the SIL website at

Candidates must be SIL members that will make a presentation at the congress. Previous award recipients are not eligible to apply again.

Applications are to be no more than 2 - 4 pages, to include a summary of the applicant’s career, with a list of publications and an abstract of the proposed presentation. It should explain how the awardee will raise the rest of the sum needed, and a short justification for asking for an award. Two letters of recommendation should accompany the application.

Recipients will be chosen from acceptable entries by the SIL awards committee.

The award recipient must file a brief report within 1 month after the congress on experiences gained from participating in the congress. As those reports or parts of them may be posted on the SIL website and Facebook page, photographs included will be welcome.

Application for the 2016 SIL Congress
The application form for the 2016 SIL congress is available also on the Congress website at
Send applications by email attachment to by 1 November 2015.