Clemens-Rigler Travel Award 2015
Application Deadline: November 3, 2014
Who is eligible?
Graduate students registered in a Canadian university and presenting either a poster or an oral presentation at the CCFFR or SCL annual meeting.
How much can one expect to get?
The committee attempts to distribute funds fairly among participants to the two conferences and to foster participation from all parts of Canada. Consequently the amounts awarded are based on available funding and are generally proportional to the cost of traveling to the conference. Awards typically range from $200 to $500.
When and how results will be made public?
The committee will meet a week or two after the application deadline, and applicants and respondents will be notified by email.
How to apply?
To apply for travel support, please provide the following:
Application information (please provide all information)
- Student name and address: (full mailing address including Department, University, and Email address)
- Amount requested: (brief justification for requested amount, i.e. anticipated costs, additional support available)
- Supervisor name and address (including Department, University, and Email address)
- Have you received an award from the Clemens-Rigler fund before (Yes/No)? If Yes, what year and what amount?
- Program (MSc, PhD), Year in program:
- Conference of interest (CCFFR or SCL):
- Nature of presentation (oral or poster), please attach a copy of the abstract for the presentation in MSWord format.
Note: Support letters from supervisors are not required
Information provided will remain confidential. Email addresses will only be used to communicate with the applicant and respondent about the application.
Please send information via email (please use MSWord format for attachments), regular mail or fax to:
Dr. Rob Mackereth
Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
Lakehead University
955 Oliver Rd.
Thunder Bay ON
P7B 5E1
FAX: (807) 343 4001